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This morning was crazy. Crazy good.

We started today off like we have the last several. We put on our Quechua clothes and headed to some market to sell Quechua Bibles and share the Gospel. This morning we fasted for breakfast and were ready to see the Lord move.

Before I tell you more, I must mention that this ministry outreach has definitely pushed my team out of our comfort zone. Being Americans, dressed in Quechua clothing (picture below), we stand out like sore thumbs. Did I mention we also walk with llamas sometimes? Yeah, two llamas carry the Bibles, books, and pamphlets we are selling. Do we kind of look like a circus? Yes, maybe a little! Anything for the Kingdom right? It definitely helps the Quechua people, since most of them are ashamed of their culture and are generally outcasts. They are always surprised seeing foreigners wearing their clothing and singing in their language. Therefore we stick out, but on the bright side, it draws people to us and we can share the Gospel/ reveal to them the newly translated Quechua Bible.


Although this outreach pushes us, it is always fruitful. This morning we walked to a different part of the city and we started to sing the Quechua songs we learned at the beginning of this month. The AWI guy with the llamas kept walking, but instead of following, we started praying for the people around us.

THE BEST THING EVER HAPPENED. Four women accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior!!!!! Two women were healed from headaches, one woman couldn’t see very well, and after we prayed over her she could see! Another woman who struggled to walk on her left leg was prayed over and began walking with no pain. A man’s back was healed, another’s knee was restored, and a woman with pain in her liver was also healed!!! Babies, women, and men were being prayed over and healings were happening left and right. Honestly I have no idea how many people we prayed over. A small crowd had formed and we felt like we were living out the book of Acts. There were many people that we prayed over more than once. We knew that Jesus had prayed twice over a man, so we did too.

Just yesterday, a few of our team members ran after an elderly women. She was shocked that they even wanted to speak to her. After they prayed, her eyes were full of tears. We told her that God is chasing after her and that she is loved. Amanda and Zach bought her a Quechua Bible and she was over the moon with joy. Seriously, God is so cool. Amazing right? The Lord is so good and so faithful!!!

The last several weeks have taught me so much about humility. Although many people stare, snicker, and take pictures of us, other people continue to be reached. My team member, Amanda, stated one day that Jesus was mocked too. Although ours is on a much, much, much, lower scale, we proudly present the Gospel, and God always shows up. We feel honored to dress up and sing in Quechua. Our prayer is that it encourages Quechua people not to be ashamed. It’s always worth it. It’s always worth dressing up in bright, poofy skirts, funny hats, and sharing the love of Jesus. Even when I can speak the language and I’m wearing my favorite jeans, the Gospel is always worth sharing. Even when we do not feel like it.

I’m so EXCITED and so honored that the Lord has brought us here! I thank all my supporters! Your contribution is part of this! You are helpling to further the Kingdom! Thank you all! Please continue to pray for my team and I as we continue to set out in the markets and villages.

I love you all,


7 responses to “A Day Out of Acts”

  1. This is amazing Maia!!! I’m so glad that you’re able to experience all of His goodness from across the globe! Love & miss you!??

  2. The healing testimonies truly brought tears to my eyes! It is the book of Acts being demonstrated. Praise God you get to experience these signs, wonders, & miracles & that lives are being dramatically changed Maia.

  3. Jesus said we’d do greater things than He did — and you and your team are a living testimony of Jesus’ love reflected through you – you truly are the hands and feet of Jesus!