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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hello world!!

As I have been processing the last four months and transitioning into squad leading, I wanted to paint an accurate picture of what my World Race has been like.

It’s very easy to look through my pictures and blogs and see JOY! Those pictures are not lying, because this has been one of the most jubilant experiences of my life. However, as we all know life is not fully experienced on the peaks of mountains or through our Instagram highlights. In the blurry picture featured below, you will see an exercise our squad did to break down our emotional pathways. There are four different colored sticky notes. Each note has an important memory written on it and is color coded by the emotion I felt during the specific experience. You will see that I have experienced a lot more than just joy on the World Race so far.

Pink= Feeling pain and brokenness.
Green= Feeling joy.
Blue= Feeling uncomfortable.
Yellow= Other memorable moments.
*Columns left to right (Month 1, 2, 3, 4).

Take a look at all the feels.

We completed this exercise to help us recognize our coping mechanisms and to discover healthy and unhealthy emotional patterns we find ourselves in. Was it overwhelming? Was it beautiful and messy? Absolutely. Did it reveal when we did and didn’t press in? Did it reveal if we fell into coping rather than dependence on the Lord? Was it sweet and encouraging? Yes.

The World Race is hard folks, but the Father is good. I have experienced brokenness, faced fears, cried many tears, and laughed so hard I’ve almost peed my pants. I’ve missed my fiancé, wished I was home, wished I could wear my favorite leggings daily, wanted to experience normalcy, and sweated more than I ever knew I could. I’ve also experienced freedom, genuine joy, tried 50 different kinds of icecream, met the most humble and authentic people, experienced sweet community, and seen more of the world then I could ever dream of. I’ve been through the hills and valleys.

I’ve learned that when it is hard I can choose to cope or to depend on the Father. I’ve experienced Him as the Great Comforter and the God who celebrates. I’ve realized life is not meant to jump from mountain peak to mountain peak. There are valleys in between that I inevitably have to walk through.

As the famous psalm says,

“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.” Psalms 23:2-4

In the valley I experience brokenness, pain, and even death. With out those experiences I would not know the Father as the Great Comforter. I do not need comfort in my joy, but in my sorrow and pain. Even in the darkest valley there are green meadows and peaceful streams. Life is not sustainable on the tops of mountains. Although I have a great perspective on top of a mountain, surprisingly there is always more life birthed in the darkest of valleys… even if I don’t see it until I have walked completey out of it.

So often we see our lives through the lens of failure when we are not experiencing happiness 24/7. We tend to hide from “negative emotion” and avoid feeling pain at all. Brokenness is not bad. How sweet is it that everytime we feel broken, we actually get to turn to a loving Father who fully sees our mess and still loves us. Intimacy with the Father flourishes when we seek His comfort and direction in our brokenness and pain. We can also experience a deep joy for the Lord in the midst of a valley too. I can testify to this not only through out my life, but especially on the World Race.

Learning to embrace our brokenness and to push past the uncomfortable feelings and the urge to fall to our coping mechanisms, we can reach full dependence on the Lord. We can lay down in the green meadows along peaceful streams. We can experience His rod and staff guiding us, protecting us, and comforting us. He is a lot better than our coping mechanisms. He is good.

Today if you are walking through a dark valley I just want to encourage you. He will comfort you. Like a deer who pants for water, He will quench your thirst. If you’re tired from the journey in the valley, He will bring rest to your soul. You will find Him there. For His word says it. If you seek Him you will find Him.

Be encouraged for the Comforter is always near.



BONUS BLOG: AKA an actual update where I am and what I’m doing.

Greetings from Ghana! The last couple of weeks have been crazy with transitioning into Squad leading, team changes, and leaving to another country. This is definitely not an excuse for my lack of blogging, but let me tell you it has been a whirlwind of events, miracles, travels, and emotions. The last half of this month will continuously be busy for Sam (my other squad leader) and I. We both will be visiting another team, wrapping up squad leader training, and hosting a mini debrief at the end of this month for our squad.

As of now I am currently with team Kingdom Seekers. We have been working in a school for underprivileged children. Praise God for our host who have paved the way for all children in their community to have an opportunity to receive primary education. Our ministry host are the most precious and kind family I have ever met. They are pastors on Sunday, principles Monday- Friday, and parents every second of the day. We are honored to partner with their ministry and school. Thanks for sticking along with the mini update!

Extra love,


5 responses to “The Inevitable Dark Valleys”

  1. Hard to grasp best of times and worst of times, but I clearly remember those times when I cried out to Our FATHER with all my strength that I had left in me at those times, and hearing Him. Sweet fellowship. Praying for you and Sam.

  2. You were on my heart last night. Glad to see your update and all the Lord is doing through you. Praying for continued safe travels and amazing life-changing experiences for you & your team.
    I love you!

  3. Love this blog so much!!! Thanks for the reminder that we shouldn’t be afraid of the valleys because we have a Father that is holding our hand along the way!

  4. So nice to catch a glimpse of what was going on in your life! Yes, that exercise was insightful to see the various memories that showed up – painful, joyful, memorable! I’m glad I got to do that with you all!