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WOW. I am so excited to share this.

Have you ever read the book Love Does by Bob Goff? In every chapter of Love Does, the author shares stories on the spontaneous, contagious, and authentic power of love in action. The stories and ideas are directly from his life. With so many powerful lessons intertwined in every chapter, he teaches how love is not passive and how it can change every facet of our lives. Love is so much deeper than an emotional response (refer to 1 Cor. 13:4-8) and has so much goodness. My favorite quote from Goff is, “Love is never stationary in the end. Love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or keep planning for it. Simply put: love does!”

Well yesterday I was on the receiving end of a day full of “love does” and wow I am still in awe. 

For starters three families in my church hosted a fundraising luncheon for me after our church service. They cooked, prepared, and selflessly served meals to our congregation. All proceeds went to my World Race. LIKE WOW. Okay, Jesus I see you. By the way, I only have $4,500 until I’m fully funded! WHAT!


My community of friends threw me a surprise Holiday party, celebrating EVERY major holiday I will be missing on my race! I’m SERIOUS! We carved pumpkins and wore masks for Halloween. We had a Thanksgiving feast with the Macy Day Parade playing in the back ground!!! Like, legit turkey was served!!!! For Christmas we ate cookies, read the Christmas story, I received presents, and we all wore ugly Christmas sweaters! HOW SWEET OF MY PEOPLE! There was even a video of the City of Christmas (Keokuk’s Christmas lights and display in Rand Park). I. Nearly. Cried. We rang in the “New Year” with sparkling grape juice and new year resolutions! For Easter we ate candy and listened to the best Easter Jams. On the “4th of July” we watched fireworks laying down (another amazing video, this time of a booming firework show). We danced around outside with sparkles and then we celebrated my 22nd Birthday!!!!! That included the famous Taylor Swift 22 song, cupcakes, and more presents!!!! Like WOW GUYS. I had a light up sash too! Just when I thought the night was over, all of my amazing and thoughtful friends did a honey roast (a roast saying nice things about a person) and ended the night praying over me. LET ME TELL YOU I FELT SO LOVED IN EVERY WAY. TEARS OF JOY. To the very pit of my core I knew I was loved and fully known by my people, and of course by our sweet Jesus. I’M STILL IN AWE!

They went above and beyond. From the decorations (there was even a Christmas tree), delicious food, details, and to the tears and laughter we shared, it was by far one of the best days ever. To my people, thank you endlessly for making a girl feel so loved, not only by all of you, but by our Heavenly Father. I’m still speechless (sorta… as I’m blogging about the whole experience lol).

At the end of the night with a full tummy and heart, the words “Love Does” just kept ringing in my head. Wow. When we put love into action, it grows our depth in receiving and giving love. Every detail of the day pointed back to the way Jesus loves so extravagantly and BIG. Just like the famous song, Reckless Love by Cory Asbury. Love really does go for you, in small and grand ways. Shoot dang, did my people get me or what?! We truly have the power to choose life, to be present, and to love. Was that Holiday party crazy? YES. Did those families get paid to make meals and serve? No, but they chose to love BIG.

Let me tell you, I am beyond blessed in this season. I am so thankful for every supporter, gift, financial blessing, prayers, t-shirt purchased, fundraising turn outs, and encouragement I have received from HUNDREDS of people. MY PEOPLE, I LOVE YOU!!!! Ya’ll I leave in 16 days. I can’t wait for this journey to begin and I THANK YOU ENDLESSLY for partnering with me in the Kingdom of God. Thank you for loving BIG. I see the Lord’s faithfulness and provision in His body. Gosh, love is so cool. I love that Jesus loves us so BIG. I want to live every “ordinary day” to the fullest, loving BIG to every person I encounter. Even on the hard days. They say love changes the world, and by golly it really does. Today I want to challenge myself (and hopefully you) to LOVE BIGGER. Send that message, give a hug, share your resources, and let’s help make another person feel loved and known. Not just by you, but by a savior who did everything out of love so we could live. Honestly why wait? If loving another person can be scary, or if you feel like you need some love yourself, let your heart receive true love from our Heavenly Father. Let us celebrate each other, let us rejoice, and let us let the love of Jesus do what it does best.

Take that risk.

Give what you need.

Love big.

Love does.



2 responses to “Surprise-Holiday-Party-People”

  1. It was exciting to see the support you will have as you journey around the world. Your enthusiasm is truly contagious. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you the next 11 months and beyond. See you soon!!!

  2. What a cool idea to celebrate all the holidays you’ll be missing during this next 11 months. What sweet friends & family! Now when those holidays do come up, you’ll remember this party and how you were loved and honored.